Nous sommes…

Karina Sinclair
Photo faciale de Karina Sinclair
Karina Sinclair est devenue membre de Réviseurs Canada en juin 2017. Par le passé, elle a consacré bénévolement du temps à la production de vidéos et à la correction d'épreuves. Elle siège actuellement au Comité national des publications et agit comme co-coordonnatrice de Réviseurs


How does book coaching differ from editing, and what exactly do book coaches do for writers? In a May 7 webinar with book coaches Dinah Laprairie and @suzyvadori, learn all about this growing profession and how it can work in tandem with editing to support writers in achieving their goals. Sign up now: (link in bio) 

Member price: $42 / Non-member price: $70 

[Alt: Megaphone, notebook and laptop with Editors Canada logo on its screen, below text "Editors Canada webinar, Tuesday, May 7, 1 p.m. ET. What the Heck is a Book Coach? All about the growing profession of book coaching: how it overlaps with and differs from editing, and how book coaches can work with editors to help writers"] 
(Image copyright: megaphone by liravega258 ©, laptop/notebook by yupiramos © 

#Editing #ProfessionalDevelopment #EditorsCanada #BookCoaching #EditorsOfInstagram


Coming up tomorrow: a webinar with James Harbeck on good pageside manner, which is as important for editors as good bedside manner is for doctors! When you make edits, you need to communicate them in a way that will help your audience understand and accept them. Register now to learn how: Member price: $42 / Non-member price: $70 (Image copyright: megaphone by liravega258 ©, laptop/notebook by yupiramos © #Editing #EditingAdvice #EditingTips #ProfessionalDevelopment #EditorsCanada

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