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Megan Harris
Photo de Megan Harris. Megan a les cheveux bruns et longs, des yeux de couleur sombre et une peau pâle. Elle sourit et porte des boucles d'oreilles longues ornées de billes bleues et violettes.
Avec son partenaire, Megan Harris dirige Clarity Doctors Writing Consultants pour aider les étudiant·e·s de deuxième et de troisième cycle et les professeur·e·s en début de carrière à peaufiner leurs écrits. Megan était coordonnatrice des bénévoles lors du congrès 2023 de Réviseurs


Want to know more about the Canadian English Dictionary? This morning, editor-in-chief John Chew discussed the exciting project with Matt Galloway on CBC's The Current. 

Head to the web page for CBC's The Current with Matt Galloway and select "Podcasts." You'll find a link to listen to "April 19, 2024: What makes a word truly Canadian?" in the Segments section. 

In the discussion, which lasts just over 13 minutes, John discusses the dictionary's origin story, pays homage to Katherine Barber and reveals his favourite Scrabble word. @CanadianEnglishDictionary


We can't share links to Canadian news sources on this platform, but we can tell you where to find Matt Galloway's interview about the Canadian English Dictionary with editor-in-chief John Chew this morning. Head to the web page for CBC's The Current with Matt Galloway and select "Podcasts." You'll find a link to listen to "April 19, 2024: What makes a word truly Canadian?" in the Segments section. In the discussion, which lasts just over 13 minutes, John discusses the dictionary's origin story, pays homage to Katherine Barber and reveals his favourite Scrabble word.

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